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Car Interior


Simply put, is a global business directory.

Nothing says global more than 240 countries, 50 languages and over 100 million businesses.

OK, enough bragging... but when it comes to finding business information online, our goal is to provide our customers with the best experience and provide them with the most complete information possible. We are proud of what we have to offer.

Carster continues to evolve, and we have you to thank for that. Contributions made by Carster frequent visitors enhance the information we provide to all our users. We hope to provide you with a fun, informative and satisfying experience when searching for a business here on Carster.

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Carster dealer is a car buying brokerage company based in Frankfurt, Germany. Carster also collaborates with selected professional car dealers in Africa, Europe and America to meet the needs of its customers. This project is responsibly managed by Frank M. Henry.


Our commitment as a car buying agency company is to provide you with the best possible price for a carefully used vehicle throughout Germany - taking into account your expectations and financial strength. Our goal is to prevent you from settling for less by going the extra mile to get the best possible deals. We always maintain an effective database of viable business contacts of car dealers in Africa, Europe and the United States to enable our deal brokers to compare different prices to get you the best deal.

As a result, Carster can primarily offer auto brokerage services to small and enterprise businesses, government, and organizations to suit their budgets. We provide vehicle and container customs clearance services in Frankfurt to further facilitate the process of importing the said consignment into Frankfurt.

For all services, we have stakeholders, trained employees, and partners. With them, we can complete every task and meet the highest demands of our customers. Go here to request to buy your car and we will respond as soon as possible.


                                         Team and Responsibilities
Frank M. Henry and IT consultant in Germany, with eight years of experience in internet consulting and web development. He has been offering car brokerage services to various clients in Germany and other countries since 2012.


We offer exclusive deals on used cars and have a large inventory of used cars for sale.


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